Seniors: Marrying for Reasons Other Than Love

“Love and marriage, they go together like…” well, as sung by Frank Sinatra, like a horse and carriage. But is this necessarily the case for people over the age of 50? Maybe not. More and more, and because the economy is in such a downward spiral, people over the age of 50 are marrying for other things, either in place of, or including, love.

Why do people of a certain age start to discount the true-love based tradition of marriage? Because it makes good financial sense. Two incomes are better than one, and usually, medical insurance can be quite costly. No, it doesn’t mean that people who hate each other should get married; it just means that sometimes, there are reasons to marry that are just as charming and as enticing as love.

• Health insurance. A spouse can easily get onto their partner’s medical insurance. And seniors, more than any other age demographic, need some type of stable medical insurance.

• Sharing expenses. Our culture has always romanticized marriage, but it hasn’t touched enough upon the fact that when you join two incomes, expenses are just made easier, things like household expenses, and sharing retirement income as well as social security benefits.

• Hospital visitation. When one half of the couple is in the hospital, it’s much easier for a spouse to gain entrance to see them, as opposed to someone who is a “fiancé,” “partner,” or “girl-boyfriend.” Spouses are taken much more seriously in the world of medicine.

• It makes things easier. Society encourages people to marry because traditionally and theoretically, it makes them happier, and it’s all around easier to live without the financial stress of being single. It also promotes stabilization.

If you live in the Phoenix area and are interested in learning about in-home caregivers in Sun City Phoenix, or other options surrounding senior care in Sun City Phoenix, you can call the Always Best Care Phoenix location at 623-298-4663. They can provide you with a free consultation and help you decide among all of the options available. They look forward to serving you!

Tracking Down Lost Friendships

As the years go by, friends come and go, and some “go” but are never forgotten. Have you ever wondered how you can, once again, get in touch with the girl who sat behind you in algebra class, the one who helped you with your homework and was always so sweet? Or the friend who you could tell anything to, who showed you adventures and helped you grow. In this day and age of the internet, it might still be difficult (considering the number of years you’re going back) but it might not be impossible to find those friends that never left your heart.

Facebook. This might be the first and last place you try. All of us are connected (in some way) on Facebook, and the friend you are searching for might just be a friend of a friend of a friend. Start with your mutual friends, and go from there.

Email, Letter, Yearbook, Notebook. Anything at all that has information about your friend will be useful. Middle initials, past addresses, mother’s name, father’s name, sibling’s names, children’s names, spouse’s name, whatever you can find, use.

Keep the addresses you find. Even though some of these addresses might be outdated (people move away all the time) you can always keep them to write snail mail letters for more information about your friend.

Google their name. You never know what will turn up by simply Googling your friend’s name. After all, they could be a singing celebrity in Sri Lanka, or the captain of a cruise ship! Or, more likely, they are living comfortably just down the street from you.

Break out the phone book. You might find a number of names (family members), phone numbers and addresses this way. They can lead you one step closer to your friend.

Always Best Care has been in the industry of in-home senior care and providing assisted living referrals since 1996. During that time, they have helped over 25,000 seniors maintain their independence and enjoy their senior years. If you live in the Sun City area and would like more information regarding in-home senior care in Sun City, or assisted living facilities in Sun City West, you can call the Always Best Care Phoenix location at 623-298-4663 for a free consultation.

How to Alleviate Arthritis Pain

Currently, more than 50 million people in the United States suffer from arthritis, equating to 20% of the adult population. The number of people over the age of 65 is projected to soar, meaning that in two decades, 50 million sufferers will likely turn into nearly 70 million. Arthritis can be a debilitating disease that affects quality of life and the ability to stay active. It stems from inflammation in the
body and the cause of it is not fully understood. However, just like every condition, nutrition plays an enormous role in the development of disease, so first and foremost, maintaining a healthy diet is key.

  • Eat more fish. Omega 3 fatty acids in fish will help reduce the inflammation that is responsible for arthritis.
  • Drink more green tea. Green tea has the ability to change DNA and suppress inflammation.
  • Maintain a healthy balance of rest and exercise. Both rest and exercise will help arthritis symptoms. When symptoms are not overwhelming, take the opportunity to exercise, and when they are in full force, take the opportunity to rest.
  • Take a glucosamine supplement, but ask your doctor about it first. This natural supplement is anti-inflammatory and helps lessen the pain of bone rubbing against bone.
  • Exercise, or take up a physical activity you enjoy. Whether it’s walking, dancing, swimming, using your muscle range of motion will alleviate swelling in the joints.
  • Lose weight if you are overweight to reduce pressure that is beings placed on bones and joints.
  • See a chiropractor to help bones get into alignment. This will help reduce stiffness and the pain accompanied by arthritis.
  • Get acupuncture therapy – this is an effective remedy for many arthritis conditions (there are over 100) but not all of them. Talk to your doctor first.

Always Best Care has been providing exceptional and compassionate senior home care services in Glendale and the rest of the United States and Canada since 1996. If you are interested in learning about the in-home care they offer, or other options for geriatric care in Sun City West, call the Always Best Care Phoenix location at 623-298-4663 or email them at to schedule your free consultation.

Seniors: How You Can Stay Healthy

The best means of staying healthy when we age is to adopt a healthy lifestyle when we’re younger. A healthy lifestyle that has become a habit shouldn’t change, and it will create a more flexible, happier, and healthier senior life. But, of course, it’s never too late to start living a healthy lifestyle. What are some of the ways seniors can become healthier?

  • Keep your dentist checkups to every 6 months. Poor oral hygiene is closely related to other types of illnesses, and as we age, our risk of getting cavities increases.
  • For seniors on Medicare, they can take advantage of free physicals during the first 12 months. Once the first year has passed, they can get free yearly wellness visits.
  • Get screenings and vaccinations for things such as heart problems, colon cancer, cholesterol levels, etc.
  • Get physical by hiking, walking, swimming, etc. Physical activity helps to minimize depression and improves muscle and bone strength. It also increases social interactions.
  • Get good sleep! Insomnia is usually a part of life, especially for seniors. Even waking in the middle of the night can be frustrating and common. Lower the lights early in the evening and make sure the bedroom is comfortable, free of noise, and on the cool side.
  • Keep your meals healthy by eating high-fiber vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Seniors are often dehydrated, so make sure to drink plenty of water.
  • Keep your brain active by engaging in mental activities like reading, writing, crossword puzzles, Sudoku, etc. Why not try new hobbies to keep the brain interested and learning.
  • Vision changes are a part of growing older, and seniors should get vision checks on a yearly basis. The right glasses will also help seniors from falling (which can result in trauma, even death).

Always Best Care has been providing superb in-home care services to seniors around the United States and Canada for the past 20 years. During that time they have provided millions of hours of compassionate care to over 25,000 seniors. If you live in the Phoenix area and are interested in getting information on alzheimer care in Sun City Phoenix, or would like more information on senior home caregivers in Sun City Phoenix, contact the Always Best Care Phoenix location at 623-298-4663 or email for a free consultation.